Frequently Asked Question

What to do before Restocking Items on the Sales Floor
Last Updated 2 years ago

Before restocking items to FOH:

When Restocking a SKU / Item Name:

First, check the item’s SKU you plan to replace against the amount on the sales floor in your POS. Do this before bringing the next Batch / Product ID of the SKU / Item Name for that item out. The amount in your POS should match the amount you Physically have.


You have 6 MKX Cherry gummies left on your floor, and you want to bring out the next batch. When you look at your POS system’s inventory you should have 6 of that Batch / Package ID left in your POS as well. If you Physically have more than what your POS System states and this has been double checked, please move the Physical overages (the amount greater than what POS states in Virtual Inventory) to the Metrc @ Zero bin and log them per the instructions. If you are short, try to locate the missing item(s) first, if the amount is not found, move the missing quantity (the number of items you Virtually have more of into your Vault in your POS and it will be audited out after two matching variances in your Cycle Counts upon recording.

Next, make sure your staff is aware of selling the Batch / Product ID of the SKU you are replacing first, it is important to finish out Batch / Product ID of the SKUs and not leave ‘floaters’ on the floor. This helps with having cleaner cycle counts and prevents product from going ‘missing’ or ‘appearing’.


Staff should be selling the 6 Cherry MKX you are replacing before selling from the batch you are about to bring out. This way, you end up with a minimal amount of Batch / Product IDs of the SKUs of the same item on the floor.

Lastly, please make sure the next Batch / Product ID of the SKU you plan to bring out onto the floor is not a sample or promo item or has a retail value that doesn’t match current or like inventories on the floor already. These are to be held to the side until direction is given by The Corporate Retail Team.

After you have checked the current Batch / Product ID of the SKU’s amount against your POS and made your staff aware to sell those items first, locate your next Batch / Product ID of the SKU to bring out onto the floor by sorting the inventory dates and bringing the oldest batch out next (FIFO). This is especially important for edibles. Once you have located your next or oldest Batch / Package ID of SKU to put onto the floor, decide how much of that item you plan to bring to the floor. Once the amount is decided, separate that amount from your back stock to bring to the floor. Update your backstock log sheet and move the amount you have pulled to go to the floor, both Physically and Virtually in your POS system.

Finally, the new Batch / Package ID of the SKU can be stocked onto the floor. Be sure to put the new product behind the old.


You have brought out a case of 25 Cherry MKX to restock, the 6 from the previous Batch / Package ID should go in front of the new case of 25 you just brought out. This is so your staff can completely sell the old batch before selling the one you just brought out. We want to prevent ‘floaters’

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