Frequently Asked Question

What is a "Metrc @ Zero" Log and How do I use it?
Last Updated 8 months ago


Shared excel log used to record products that are not found in the store's POS system; however, the item is physically there. Also known as overages.


To keep track of overages, so then they can be adjusted (added back) into the POS System to be able to sell again.

How to use the log: 

Document all items that are found to not be in the POS system on this log so they can be added back into the POS system for sale.

Documenting includes (All Blue Columns):

1. Date and time of submission: Date and time the item was filed in the log.

2. MED / REC: Is the item MED or REC?

3. Product Name (as listed in Leaf Logix): Items name in POS System.

4. Have items been moved to Reconcile Bin? (Y/N): Has the item been placed into a bin until it is added back to the POS system?

***These items should be placed into their own bin (Reconcile Bin) until the items have been added back into the POS System by an Inventory support member.***

5. Number of Physical Units in Store: How many physical items are at the store?

6. Number of Units in Leaf Logix: How many of that item are in the POS System?

7. Number of Units in METRC: How many of that item are in the METRC System?

8. Has product been brought back into inventory? Has the item been put back onto the sales floor (taken out of the Reconcile Bin)?

*** This column is filled After an Inventory support member adds this back into the POS system*** 


Every Monday and Friday these logs will be gone through by an inventory Member: Items will be added back into the system after review by this member.

Inventory Support will fill in the Green Columns when items have been reviewed. 

1. Product has been adjusted and is good to sell (Y/N): Inventory Member will file 'yes' if the item can return to the floor, 'no' if the item requires further investigation by management. 

2. Inventory Support Notes: Rather will say good to sell, which item can be moved to the floor and sold, or there will be a note as to why the item was not adjusted. When a note is present management is to investigate the item and correct any logging issues or add notes themselves to help correct the item.

3. Date and time of correction: Date and Time item was added back to the POS system


When the items have been added back to the POS system, they may be removed from the reconciliation bin and put back onto the sales floor, as well as 'Has product been brought back into inventory?' column filled in with yes. 

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